Economic, Social and Cultural Development of all the citizens of India & to eradicate unemployment & illiteracy.
For the economic development of urban & rural population of India to underlining the importance of Small Scale & Small Cottage Industries and the adoption of the same.
Helping the farmers & urban population in employing the latest techniques in agricultural activities in order to maximising the crop yields
Working against the social maladies and malpractices like dowry and caste discrimination, corruption.
Incourage the population control programmes awarness.
Modernisation of Indian villages and setting them on the path of overall development
Electrification, building of the roads and drinking water facilities, sanitation, toilets in villages & cities
Construction of Hospitals equipped with latest medical equipments and operation capabilities and availability of at least 21 beds in each such hospital in village panchayat level & cities (wards)
Organising the various cultural programmes for healthy and wholesome entertainment of village panchayat & urban people.
To eradicate the illiteracy among our urban people & villagers, establishment of at least one Senior Secondary School in every village panchayat, & one technical level school in every Gram Panchayat and universities as per requirements in district.
To establish technical and medical education institutions in cities and village panchayat.
To create employment opportunities for urban & rural masses of India.
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